
Pisces Horoscope Today

Thursday April 25, 2024

Love lack of understanding, possible discussions and disagreements. Do not conflict yourself too much and appeal to your good heart, Intentions of both are good, very often it is only a matter of words. Leave for another day the resolution of this problem and will see that the waters will be tamed. It undertakes the task of knowing yourself to yourself, and begins to ask yourself what wants, what it needs and who is… realizes a list of necessary activities, of fundamental concretions and of impossible desires… it dreams, wants and think in it on a daily basis unlocking doors of that reality hides but existing. Ask to yourself:: Why you have not disappeared of my life, because you follow here if I already said to you “good bye…”?

Pisces Characteristics

Pisces man

Pisces woman

Pisces love and relationship

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